Friday, May 21, 2010

About this blog

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Notes: 1) This blog has a number of posts. To read them all, just scroll down.
2) To enlarge the pictures, simply click on them.
3) You'll see a small box after some words. Roll your mouse over the box to see where you can get further information about places and items mentioned in this blog.
4) We'd love to receive your comments and questions. And to read about your own travel adventures. Click on "COMMENTS" at the end of each post to open a comment box. You can send us your own comments there. Some comments will be like the verbal comment my friend, Bud, made to me about his aunt's store in Wisconsin. It added to my post so well that I included it. You'll see it near the bottom of the post called, "Last Stop."
5) You can subscribe to this blog. Scroll down or use the "end" key to get to the very bottom of the blog (after the last post). There's a link there that will let you subscribe.
Thanks for dropping by.

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We welcome your comments, even your disagreements and criticisms. We would esp. like to hear about your own travels. What did you see or do, what did you like or not like so much about what you did and where you were?